Just earlier a few weeks ago, I opened a page in the iTunes store under 'Classical', and I've noticed a simularity in the albums. The majority of the album artworks are of young(ish) people either alone or with their instruments.
Ordinarily I would not have had a problem with that, but I remembered a podcast episode from 'The Age of Pursuation' (a CBC podcast on iTunes, that is about the media; in succinct. It covers some issues in marketing, such as women in the workforce in the 1900's, ageism, and so on).
Ageism is as defined by Wikipedia: "Ageism, or age discrimination is stereotyping and discriminating against individuals or groups because of their age. It is a set of beliefs, attitudes, norms, and values used to justify age based prejudice, discrimination, and subordination."
Example: how are old people portrayed in television? We see them typically as derranged, senile, boring, loud, technologically illiterate and well... old. Some examples include: that old guy from Disney's Up (initially), "that crazy grandma in the attic", and so on.
It seems that the mass media prefers young people 18-35-ish to market their products or services. It seems that the only way for an older person to be placed in an advertisement is either in a retirement commercial, or in an ad advertising something relating to famillial matters.
Television commercials asside, how are older people portrayed in movies and in television? Take the classic example in a martial arts movie, where that random old guy knows anything and everything about combat. Or that old lady 'kicks everyones' asses', where as a moment earlier she seemed helpless.
Are these not stareotypical images of people?
I am not endorsing or promoting to cast older people; but wouldn't it be more of an advantage for an older person to play in a movie? They do have more experience with codes and conventions, how to portray one's self and the like. I'm not saying that there aren't talented, young people; it's just that I find it a bit unfair for young(er) people seem to hold the spotlight in the media.