Tuesday 31 January 2012

Fads, Icons, Trends and a Vampire

What is a fad? What is a trend? What is an icon?
In class, we discussed the differences between fad, trends and icons. Several questions had arisen upon the differences between them.
I think an example of a fad would be Guitar Hero (all copyrights reserved), in school, for a brief amount of time (a few months) Guitar Hero was all the rage. I heard discussions, conversations and the like on the subject. Now, about two or three years later, I have yet to hear a discussion at all relating to Guitar Hero.
Hmm... Icons... What of icons? Well, I think that icons are a broad term. There are many different icons in the world. Icons represent things, objects, companies, and so on. Some are well known, such as a four leaf clover representing luck. Some are a bit more obscure or implied, such as red lipstick representing lust.
Trends, to me are a bit harder to define. In my mind, they stand as a middle point. Where icons last for many years, and fads fizzle out into the murky lands of obscurity; leaving trends somewhere between the two. There have been some trends I can think of, none of which have been "in my time''. When I hear of trends, as shameful as I think of it; I think of the 60s' where it was all flower power, peace signs and the like.

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