Friday 17 February 2012

Concerning bias

What is bias? According to "Lord Wikipedia"; it is defined as: "inclination to present or hold a partial perspective at the expense of (possibly equally valid) alternatives. Bias can come in many forms."

I find that very fitting. Which leads me to a question: is it possible to be completely unbiased? Can one make judgements without any sort of predisposition?
I don't think that it is possible to be comepletely unbiased. Everyone has their own motives or desires, and it can usually be seen through their actions.

I meant to have some sort of point to this post, but I forgot.... I left this entry too long; I'll get back to you guys...

Sunday 5 February 2012

Concerning the mass media..

There are some Youtube accounts that are made specifically made to mock the mass media and/or pop culture.
I found this video funny:
I am sorry if this video offends anyone. All credit goes to the artist.

This video is a bit coarse.

Evolution of...

      I've noticed somewhat recently that things have a sort of 'Darwinian' approach. This has been brought up in class a few times. Things are going to have to evolve or die out. So, I was thinking... Is our society too  geared on moving on?
I'm sure we've seen this scenario "[insert name here]'s MIRACULOUS COMEBACK!'. This star's miraculous comeback brings me to mind of an analogy. One must ride the wave of fame, or end up being swallowed up along with all the could have beens, the forgotton and the unchanged. Like the never ending waves, one must adapt to each minute current and ripple; or risk toppling off.
I suppose it is understandable that nothing can remain static forever; look at humanity's erratic history. Plagues, wars, diasters, weather anomalies, etc. In order to survive we must adapt to these changes in order to master wherever or whenever we are.
Personally I think that North American culture is too geared on moving. We are carouselling in an endless loop of media, pop culture, cars, sex, drugs and money. I've heard that we reap what we sow, and I believe that we are facing the consequences of rushing forward with little concern of our consequences.
How many times do we ask for a ride in place of walking or an alternative mode of transport? How many times do we leave or throw our garbage? How many resources do we gobble up for modern convienience?
[these questions are obviously generallized, and there are many execptions; only to make a point].

Friday 3 February 2012

Mix and mingle, or isolate?

Is it important for cultures to protect themselves from outside media infuence?

What a broad question... Personally I think that it is all very circunstantial. Say that a target culture or group was prosperous; ie) wealth, a sizeable population, so an and so forth. I'd say that it is okay for the group(s)/culture(s) to "mix and mingle"

However, say a group/culture is endangered; not many people, poverty, etc. In  that circumstance, I'd say efforts should be placed into perserving, protcting, and rekindling this said group.

My own philosphy is very "live and let live". Ultimately, it is that bunch of people's choice to mix and mingle, or to seclude themselves.

While I generally think that it is beneficial to meet new people, adopt more ideas and values, and the like. However, I think that there should be a sort of 'fail safe'. Something to record or keep track of one's culture or values.


Thursday 2 February 2012

List of media(s) I've encountered..

Here's a list of some of the media related things I've encountered in the past two days:

-Diana Krall (jazz musician)
-My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic (television show)
-Facebook (does it need explaining?) [if so, it's a website]
-Koji Kondo (composer; for 'The Legend of Zelda 25th Anniversary')
-Nintendo's 3DS (handheld consol)
-Doctor Who (British television show)

These are all I can think of at the moment.

How much are we immersed in media?

I find it kind of funny, that how unaware I was of how much, or to what degree we are immersed in media. In class, we were asked to record what encounters we have had with media. I thought that, since I do not own a television and I rarely listen to the radio, I would not have much to record.
However, I took into consideration the areasof advertisements and music.
I'm always listening to music. Jazz, classical, soundrack, alternative, blues, country, Latin, the list goes on. Now that I am armed with more information; I see a bit more of how much we are immersed within media, pop culture and trends. Kind of depressing LOL
I expect to post of what media I have interacted soon....